Monday, July 21, 2014


Hi.  My name is Robin. I have a problem. I have a big problem; a TEXAS sized problem. I am a Meat-A-Holic. 

Texas beef - absolutely mouth watering.  The savory flavor, tenderness, essence as it passes through my taste buds just makes me quiver from head to toe with each bite. 

Since May I have indulged, rather over indulged, in beef inhaling as if it were a sport. It has become a drug for me. I want to eat it everyday. I just can't seem to get enough. Even when I am full I need to take that last bite to the point of engorgement and distress. Ordering an 8oz, 12oz, or 14oz specials [the latter few being breakfast and dinner for the next few breakfasts/dinners] is part of my current 'norm' and doesn't prevent me from masticating the final scrap.

Nothing tastier than grilled steak
I know this is crass [before reading the next part of the sentence take heed especially to a vegan] but I think the beef is so fresh it's as if Chef brings the cow in from behind the restaurant 20 minutes prior to freshly appearing on the plate set in front of me at the table. There is Wagyu, Texas Akaushi [from Yoakum, TX] and Tomahawk Ribeye steaks to name a few.  The latter, of course, is listed on the menu without a price.  Similar to lobster on the east coast, the Tomahawk is listed simply as - market price.  Truly a delicacy.

To think I was instructed by my doctor, following kidney stone surgery in March, not to eat more than 4oz of meat per day and no salt. I am all but inhaling it intravenously. And, by meat I mean, fish, chicken and/or beef.  Beef, of course, being the worst offender.  With that said, this past weekend, and guilt semi settling in, I have begun a minimal detox program.  Let's see how long that lasts!  Everyone who knows me can confirm that I have no willpower with respect to giving up something I enjoy!  G-d help me if I ever have to give up chocolate.

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