Monday, November 2, 2015


Fort Adams

When I just read that post on my friends' facebook I gasped at the thought of the pending snow about to hit us.Of course, to make myself feel better, I rummaged through my photo's.  Here's a small pictorial view of the lost summa' 2015


Lobster Bake
King's Beach 
Marble House Lawn Party
Long Island Sound

Cool Night on the Deck
Jamestown Secrets
Nantucket After Sunset
Surf Shack 
Of course, Fenway
Beach Delectables
Beach by Candlelight
Bye Bye Tall Ship-Nantucket
Moonlight Mid Summer
Sailing RI Style
Bannister's Wharf

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


It's definitely time for a food strike.  "Put down the fork" is my new motto.  I will say it every 5 minutes if need be to stop eating like it's a job requirement. 

Lobster Madness-1st batch
Last night was over the top.  This morning my stomach still remains distended from the ridiculous food consumption [inhaling] at dinner.  It was a New England Clam and Lobster bake.  Lobster steamed to perfection, rib eye steaks prepared perfectly by the family superstar grill master, steamed little necks [way too many], stuffies [homemade, of course], grilled corn on the cob, lobster bisque, a few salads, en plus. Need I say that all of that followed appetizers and cocktails while socializing on the deck during the preparation period. [Brie, cheddar, charcuterie, baguette, wine, grapes]. The call to dinner resembled a small stampede to the table.

At one point during the loud and continuous chatter throughout dinner there was a noticeable long moment of silence due to everyone enjoying the food [not due to prayer] that was nearly orgasmic. Sitting to the left of me at the table was my brother.  I don't think he spoke two words from the moment the food was placed on the table until his last bite of lobster.  At one point, I took a break from chewing and looked up and noticed the smiles on everyone's faces as they continued to inhale food with great pleasure.  It was comical as if we never experienced dining in the past. And, to think, I thought I was the only one with a food problem.

Sadness filled my heart following dinner and no one could move. We were all experiencing a food coma and could not broach the subject of dessert. Dessert is my favorite part of the meal.  Of course, chocolate mousse or chocolate raspberry flourless torte [duh!].

After all said and done, I hate to say this, but it's just the start of July and I am sick of lobster already. Steamed lobster, lobster bisque, lobster salad sandwiches, lobster salad ... So many lobster salads/sandwiches, since April. We have been enjoying our personal lobster cook off.  Which restaurant serves with the perfect amount of mayo - less is best, with or without too much lemon, the amount of lobster meat, the buttered bun, to boot.  Furthermore, everyone of us disagree as to whom has the best.  Mattunuck Oyster Bar, Marchetti's, Twin Oaks, BLU... The list goes on, but I do have my favorite. Actually, it's a tie between of the aforementioned.  Maybe, just maybe, I will need to taste two more to determine the winner in my own head. 

Monday, May 18, 2015


     Since August, 2014, I have been working in NYC without a vehicle to drive to/from work.  Other than walking from the subway to the studio [.9 miles=1.45km] during the winter in subzero weather and snowstorms, I fared pretty well.  All kidding aside, not having a vehicle in the city is definitely the appropriate decision.  The subway is the perfect way to travel other than the occasional taxi or bus.  The subway is engineered to get you everywhere within walking distance of your end destination.  

NYC Subway Map
     During production, it was extremely difficult to coordinate 'roundies' to/from the subway station, for me in particular, due to my work schedule. I would arrive at work [inclusive of walking] between 7:07a.m.-7:40a.m. on average and leave, for the most part, after production has left for the night.  [Can you say "work-a-holic?"]  After production wrapped at the start of April, we were blessed with a vehicle to carry us through wrap.  YAY!  Let the adventures begin.  Rather, let the driving nightmare begin!  

     Yes...driving in NYC definitely reels in the use of the 'creative' side of your brain.  Basic driving rules don't seem to apply here that are  the 'norm' worldwide.  Specifically speaking, the white dotted lines separating lanes is completely disregarded.  It's more of a free-for-all.  Double and triple parking causing back ups between 7-9a.m. is par for the course causing cars to back up two-three lights back and/or blocking the intersection. The latter happens often enough that the city has put up signs indicating that blocking the intersection is a fine PLUS. Let's not forget about merging. Merging in NYC is simply cutting in front of someone enabling yourself to advance without so much as a look in the rear view mirror and is done just so matter-of-fact.  Definitely don't even think about getting angry as it will get you less than NO WHERE!

     If getting sandwiched between two giant trucks racing to get through a light isn't enough, let's not forget about the pedestrians who have the right of way.  G-d help any of us in vehicles if we want to get through the light if there is 'walk' sign permitting the pedestrians their turn to cross the pavement.  

     The most recent vehicle adding to the debacle, if not already an issue is the messenger services; the bicycle.  Nowadays, the bicyclists have their own lane.  As a pedestrian, you now have to use extra caution so as not to get run over by a bicycle.  Nightly, my head is constantly spinning 360 degrees ensuring/praying that the speed bump I drive over is nothing more than a speed bump; not a bicyclist or pedestrian who rides/walks aimlessly and without care in front of my vehicle.  

     Of course, this is all reversed, when, as a Pedestrian, I curse at the vehicles who get in my way when I have the right of way indicated by the WALK SIGN!!!

     I won't even discuss parking.  That's entirely another issue.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Before our lesson in Scotch I had always thought of scotch as a disgusting medicinal alcoholic beverage in a little glass over rocks.  And.... still do.  Two fingers, you say? 

The following are very basic and simple guidelines as given to us by an 'expert.'  Keep in mind, the following instructions precedes three bottles of wine.

Step 1:   NOSING

Gracefully pick up your glass. Appropriately tilt the glass and ever so slightly stick your nose just inside the rim with your eyes closed and deeply inhale the vapor.  The tingle you feel becomes more noticeable with each 'nosing.'  Lower glass. Pause. 


Leaving the glass on a flat surface [for beginners learning to master the hand holding agitation motion] swish around in a circular fashion allowing the scotch to swirl in a tornado-like motion.  This process enhances the alcohol content during 'nosing.'  Repeat Step 1. The aroma  intensifies with the agitation motion as well as the inhaled vapor seeping deeper into the nasal cavity with a stronger sensation. Pause. 

Step 3:   TASTE and SWALLOW

Take a small 'taste', but do not immediately swallow.  Let the scotch linger towards the back of your mouth simulating a gargling motion but do not gargle; thus, allowing the flavor to smother your taste buds while leaving your mouth slightly open. [not sure why].  THEN, swallow. Don't be surprised if choking ensues and a burning sensation hits the back of your throat. Pause.

Enjoy, right?  No. HA HA HA HELL!  1-1/2 hours later a forgotten crucial part of Step 3 was let out of the bag.   

To eliminate the gagging in Step 3 bring your mouth from the tilt backward motion to normal - THEN swallow eliminating the gagging and coughing.  

Albeit, I can definitely tell the difference between the smokiness of one brand versus the smooth lighter flavor of the other.  The lesson proved successful.  Granted [more like, thankfully] there were just two different Scotch brands to 'taste.'  I cannot imagine enduring a scotch party with 8-20 men all bringing their own bottles to the tasting.  It goes without saying I will definitely vault the knowledge of the preceding information. However, I will stick to wine tastings in the future.

Wine and scotch tossed with a mix of delicious food in-between can only lead to more intensifying craziness, right?  Yes, is the answer. Following food, drink and dancing, and the 'brilliant' scotch lesson, the fabulous idea of sledding was brought to the table. Fabulous idea!  Midnight sledding in the backyard.  With my white cashmere dress, boots, mink coat and fur headband, we took turns [6 runs] throwing ourselves down the hill on a tube.  No trees were hit! Bonus! Yet no one made it over the ramp entirely. I'm guessing you need to be 6-10 years old to accomplish that. 

Thank you, for a great evening! Food, drink and sledding.  May I never take another sip of scotch.   

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Sharing what I did on a blustery winter afternoon.  (All images were taken with permission from the artists.)

Artist: Claudia Venditto

Artist: Claudia Venditto
Artist: Ronda Cilento

Artist: Ronda Cilento

Artist: Angelo DeSista

Artist: Claudia Venditto
Artist: Claudia Venditto
Artist: Angelo DeSista
Artist: Claudia Venditto

Artist: Ronda Cilento

Artist: Angelo DeSista

Artist Claudia Venditto

Artist: Angelo DeSista

Artist: Angelo DeSista

Artist: Ronda Cilento

There are many more to view. The artists are available for commissioned pieces, as well.  Interested parties can contact Claudio Venditto, Blue Door Studios, Cranston, RI, 401-383-5050.

I bought two. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Happy Happy NEW YEAR - Worldwide!

This year, I have actually made a resolution that I want to keep - GET RID OF THE GARBAGE!  That's right!  Get rid of the garbage! Weed out all the extensive stress placed upon you unnecessarily on a daily basis that makes your brain hurt; seriously. 

Upon ringing in the new year, globally, there are resolutions [self promises/suggestions] are made with good intentions; yet, how many are actually kept-Kept even for more than 1 week, if at all, after said out loud to oneself or open forum.  Whether going around the 'linner' [meal between lunch and dinner-a family favorite of mine on Sunday's] table and stating your resolution of intention for the year or quietly to yourself in private is normally a simple suggestion of a truth or concern that needs to be done, but quickly forgotten. 

People who know me know that I have absolutely NO WILLPOWER, but this year, I am truly going to make this happen - GET RID OF THE GARBAGE - Don't think it, DO  IT!   

It's been a difficult year both work-wise and personal. At this point in my life I am far too old to be living with this much stress.  With regards to work, I know I need to continue to work since I have college tuitions to pay and more investments to make for my pending retirement phase, but I definitely do not need the extreme amount of stress that comes with my career.  No, not a career, but job.  A career to me is something to seek as a sought choice, not one that has befallen upon you to earn a paycheck.  Am I wrong?  And, personal stress, I definitely need to eliminate because - - - - who needs that in addition to work stress!!!!!!!  UGH!!!!  Double the angst!  

There you go.  My short simple wish to everyone for a Happy and Healthy New Year!  YAY 2015!

GET RID OF THE GARBAGE - Don't think, DO it!  
