Tuesday, August 12, 2014


 I'm not quite sure that writing about GIRL CODE is not breaking GIRL CODE, but here we go. 

GIRL CODE [referred to as GC from now on]:  Plain and simple is the sisterhood that women share that shall not be broken.  Or, not? What prompted me in writing about this sacred topic is that recently I experienced the loose lips of a 'girl' friend who sorely broke our confidence.  She betrayed my trust after my flatly saying to her that I was about to tell her a story requiring GC.  Yes, I actually used the phrase, 'Girl Code' as if I needed to firmly ask for the utmost silence [as if I were still in high school] which should simply be a 'given' with a friend.  24-hours later I received a text from a 4th party indicative of the fact the trust had been broken.  She had immediately, and without hesitation, from my understanding, hung up the phone with me and went on the phone with the next releasing the confidential story from my lips to hers to the next and so on and so on. [Oh, for clarity, the story I divulged involved me. I was not gossiping about someone else.] Immediately following the circle back to me I immediately confronted her and confirmed, in fact, it was her lips that spewed the betrayal.  I won't divulge the future existence [or none] of our friendship, but sadly, it's definitely broken. 

With all of that said, I went to a beach fest the following day inclusive of 9 women with a 20 year [or so] age span.  I brought my notebook to take notes.  With all the women in attendance and situated in their beach chairs I posed two questions.  1. What does GC mean to you?  2. What would you do if GC is broken?

Well! I cannot tell you what can of worms these two questions opened.  It was a full day of discussion.  Periodically, I left the 'circle' to jump into the ocean, fetch more Sangria [ :) ], or eat.  Upon returning I found the women still discussing the issues of the code.  We discussed others who had been affected by 'broken' trust; whether being the actual cause or the victim.  Apparently, GC is strong on all levels. It extends beyond the simplicity of confidence.  Not that confidence is by any means, simple.  

Don't be fooled by age.  GC affects girls and women of all ages; from youth to the old and wise.  I'm not sure when it actually begins and/or ends [if ever].  I do know that my daughters, when they were teenagers, experienced wrath and drama, the good and the bad, of GC.  Furthermore, my mother and her friends have their drama, as well.  There is no escaping GC.  It surrounds all women whether invited or not. The bottom line is that it's a part of our makeup.  Men; beware.  You all are just bystanders.  [Stand by.  There maybe an addendum to this topic.]

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