The foundation behind the 'confederacy' is simply that many southern whites [ :( ] considered themselves more Southern than American and would fight for their state and region independently of their larger nation! The cause behind the foundation is based on slavery, politics and economics. [WTH]
Frontier is basically the political and geographical areas beyond a boundary [also, from Wikipedia]. It's a transitional zone where explorers, pioneers and settlers moved to where an unlimited amount of land was available. Basically, called the 'Great Frontier.' [For this purpose I am writing about the Frontier South-which if you continue to read was a figment of our imagination.]
With all of that said, and being from the Northeast, who had lived in the south for 16 years, in my opinion, there are still fervent attitudes of people still living in the civil war era. That's another blog another day and probably a more interesting/heated topic for discussion and get me into more trouble than it's worth while being here in a former confederate state. Surprise.
This confederate south vs frontier south came up, how else, but over wine. All of us, obviously stupid, because we did not include Texas as a confederate state because we are too busy thinking about cowboys and the vast openness of the land areas riding horseback across nothingness as done in the movies with John Wayne or "City Slickers" vs a scene from the movie, "Deliverance," the latter being the epitome of the south in our northeast heads still giving us nightmares. Low and behold, after researching/confirmation this morning, I realized Texas was #7 on the secession list of the 11. BTW, there are actually #12 and #13, but they did not 'officially' join - LA and MS. [Again, thank you, Wikipedia for the morning lesson and BASIC history lesson.]
The 'southern' hospitality clause that we were comparing against the other last night is a moot argument. Wasted alcoholic energy. Good old southern hospitality vs frontier hospitality from our point of view is apparently stemming from the same beliefs [since, again, Texas was confederate state, by history] does not exist. By comparison, there is none. Tossing on a cowboy hat and boots and the charm is an extended psychological plus. What a great debate we had.
For all intents and purposes, we can change the discussion to not include Texas. The next 'discussion' will be boots and bucket hats and/or big hair [oooo-Texas hair vs Cranston or Johnston hair-explanation later] vs mac and cheese --- Ughh....Can't debate that either as that's on every menu here [Texas], too! To more appropriately and accurately discuss the difference of the 'southern' experience the true Frontier [not south] of the US...I will need to venture just so slightly north on the map. YI-HA!
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