Every American knows at this point football season commenced. Every male, big and small, young and old, sit in front of their [or any] tv screen Monday nights, Thursday nights and Sundays all day for NFL and Saturday and other days/nights [during the week that I am not privvy] for College ball. [Not 100% sure of the schedule so don't think I am taking this to the grave.] Don't get me wrong, I do know women participate, as well. Two of which are closely related to me. Not quite sure of the attraction, but I believe with my two family females it could be Tony Romo and Tom Brady capturing their interest as those are the teams their game viewing jerseys 'sport.' It can't be the fact that they share the enthusiasm of the game as their husbands do or do they fake the enthusiasm just to spend the time together...? Or, can it??? Your guess is as good as mine. I do know that when I watch it's just for the WINE and the time spent together even though there would be no verbal communication between us whatsoever until the game ended.
During one game that I was actually paying attention to I had two questions. The first was regarding a play and why a particular call was made and the 2nd was about what I have since learned to be a 'touchback.' The person I was watching the game with didn't even hear me ask either question because he was so consumed with the game my voice wasn't even heard. Thank Christ for my brother who answered my texting questions. If he hadn't answered me I would never have understood the 'play' or would never know what a 'touchback' is.. Thank you, bro!
I have witnessed, as all women, the behavior of men watching football. It appears that everyone of them feel the need to voice their opinions of what someone did incorrectly, how horrible a play was, the coaches response and how future plays should be made. It amazes me that all of these men should be coaches or assistants let alone players and not just enjoying from the sidelines. Oh, wait! This is how they enjoy from the sidelines!
Of course, this is similar with all sports. I am focused on football because this is what is currently captivating the sports trade. It is not just for pleasure viewing yet extends beyond into streamline business including gambling, fantasy football leagues, fashion, etc. The picture above depicts the 'pick' choices of the week in a local 'pool.' These games were from last Sundays schedule. So many games that you need a print out to keep track of the daily schedule to check the wins/losses. Good luck!
Normally, I don't engage, but on the odd occasion I am invited to watch at someone's house where there is wine and beer and tons of food of all flavors for the event. And, an event is what it becomes. It's a reason to have a house party or bar fest at minimum 3 times per week. Thank you, I'll bring my knitting.
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