Thursday, September 19, 2013

Can you say VALIUM!

It's not "Calgon" take me away' these days; rather, "VALIUM" take me away! 


The thought of taking a bubble bath doesn't remotely seem the ideal way to relax after dealing with these DIVA'S [yes, continuing with the prior post].  While one of the Diva's actually made a small attempt to be nice [although, has yet to apologize for his initial irate behavior or gracefully thanking me for a task I undertook for him to get paid] the other Diva'S in the other department continue with their Prima Donna attitudes.   

WTH!  Why the constant need to be coddled!  And, I will add that one of the junior Diva's indicated on her fb page that she normally works varsity.  Perhaps, I should tell our two leading actors who are both academy award winners and Hollywood A-listers what she thinks of their current project!!!!  

A little memory just popped into my head with my personality and dealing with Diva-licious personalities.  During my 2nd project in the film industry [9000 years ago] I had the pleasure of working with a brand new UPM.  She was from a film accounting background, as well, who jumped the ladder rungs early on in her career.  I was working with an accountant from Colorado. We shared the same birthday and a few other similarities.  She, although, was more experienced in the industry and dealt with these people better than I did. That has basically nothing to do with my rant.  Simply a sidebar.

The UPM, whose name shall remain anonymous, constantly pranced around like a princess.  And, me, new to the industry and formerly the owner/operator of my own company, was unfamiliar with the status quo behavior type of the film industry.  So, when this person constantly came at me with the 'princess' attitude I played into it. My gift to her prior to my departure from this TV series was a gift box with princess crown and wand.  Needless to say, this did not sit well with her and need I not say that I was not asked back for the next season.  

In retrospect, if I had been put back in time, I would certainly do it again.  With that said, I definitely have curbed my more than 'direct' attitude within life's daily situations. I believe that comes with age and wisdom - :)

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