That's right. Umbrella's have no owners. A topic of discussion this morning en route from the train station to the studio. Without listening to the weather report for the day I grabbed my umbrella from it's safe haven corner behind the door on my way out to start my journey to work. A brief thought of the downpour I heard at 5-ish a.m. initiated the last minute thought. At that point, it didn't occur to me that it would be the last time it would be attainable.
Thousands of umbrellas are bought daily. Thousands are lost or left behind daily. The travels of an umbrella can be exciting [figuratively speaking, of course]. They are left in taxi's, restaurants, trains, schools, offices, etc. One leaves the umbrella behind and someone else can pick it up. Imagine, if you would... A woman grabs her umbrella and runs into the coffee shop to order a coffee in the morning.

Putting the umbrella down for a mere second is the initial mistake. Sprinkling cinnamon on the specialty coffee and running out the door while leaving the umbrella at the condiment station is a 'gift' for the next umbrella guest. SCORE! The next person sees the forgotten umbrella, looks around the coffee shop for the rightful 'owner,' then takes the opportunity and picks it up for it's next venture of the day. Onward to the subway station. And so on, and so on and so on...