Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Someone just told me - "If you're going through hell keep on walking." Churchill

As I continue 'walking' I am hoping for the best and it passes.

The countdown for this current project in NC has begun until I return to the safety of what I call, for the moment, home.  Soon enough I will be back with my two furballs and my kitchen.

The kitchen is where I find solitude.  Cooking is a tremendous stress relief for me.  Once upon a time, I made a kazillion cookies that I sent to everyone I know - worldwide - Of course, I don't eat anything but the batter.  However, I am told that the cookies are amazing.  Thanks, to a disgruntled person on Urban Legend who left the recipe to a Mrs. Fields cookie recipe. YUMMY!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


The pictures are self explanatory:

Daughter #2 shares a moment of her daily routine that includes a walk through the forest where she goes to school.  How beautiful.   

Daughter #1 spends spring break in Key West.  View from Mallory Square at sunset [stating the obvious]. 

And, me...  I get Meadow Muffins!!!  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Diamond in the RUFF

If I could figure a way to get to this cafe each morning without having to drive 1 hour and 23 minutes [thank you GPS], I wouldn't miss the experience.  Amelie's french cafe in Charlotte, NC.  

After spending 1 month in Paris not too long ago [to celebrate a milestone birthday] I thought I hit the jackpot with respect to cafes, but this little treasure bypasses all that I experienced cafe-wise.  The croissants are delicious, atmosphere - unbeatable, the 'sipping' hot chocolate is yummy; but, the soups are, by far, exceptional. My favorite is the spinach/asparagus soup.   [To obtain the recipe -]

Of course, I will continue to trapse the globe having cafe 'tastings.'  One never knows when I will find another diamond in the RUFF..... OH, WAIT!!! I did!!! In Morocco, but that is for another day.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This has been a completely disheartening project I am currently working on in NC.  People here seem to have an alternative agenda aside from just WORK.  It's like the old 'telephone' game. ... Someone says something to someone and 10 people later it's twisted and causing havoc amongst 75 other people.  For the most part, these are contractual facts being spewed without warrant or justification.

And, the cause????  None.  Just to be gossip queens.  Hurtful.  

This behavior leads me to believe [or, confirm what I have been repeatedly told to me in the past] that no one is trustworthy.  Where does that leave me.... that I have to keep further to myself and become more of an introvert!  

Oh, a wandering I will go....